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More Rewards for Wellness: a $100 Gift Card
Have you heard about Carpenters Rewards? As part of the Carpenters Wellness Program, it offers a $100 gift card for participating in activities that promote better health and wellbeing. In other words, you get rewarded for doing stuff that's good for you anyway.
The idea is simple: Earn points for doing things to improve your health and well-being. If you reach 1,000 points before the end of 2011, you'll receive a $100 gift card to your choice of merchants.
Carpenters, spouses and dependents are already cashing in with this program. In fact, several hundred have already received their gift cards. Why wait any longer to enroll? It's simple to begin. Just log on to Mayo Clinic's EmbodyHealth website and click on the Rewards page.
You are the expert of your own health. That's why the Rewards program offers so many eligible activities and programs. Any combination of 1,000 points is worth $100, so you're free to customize the program to your personal goals. What matters most is participation. How you participate is up to you.
Wondering where to start? If you're new to the EmbodyHealth website, you'll get 50 points just for registering. New and existing users earn 10 points just for logging on. Here's another qualifying activity–reading the Carpenters Care newsletter (20 points). If you want to get started in a big way, take the online health assessment (200 points). See how easy it is?
But don't stop there. If you're serious about achieving your health goals, get involved in prevention, exercise, nutrition, self-care, and lifestyle change. Do it today so you have time for activities and programs that offer the biggest bang in terms of impact and Rewards points. Remember, Carpenters Rewards ends December 31, 2011.