Associate Agreements

Frequently Asked Questions
Feel free to contact Employer Labor Services at Northwest Carpenters Trusts if you have a question not listed below or want a more thorough answer. We’re here to help.

  1. "What is an Associate Agreement?”"
    Formally called a Contribution Agreement for Associate Employees, it is a separate agreement between an employer and Northwest Carpenters Trusts. It allows Northwest Carpenters Trusts to accept benefits on behalf of employees who are not covered by the collective bargaining agreement, such as an owner, supervisor, project manager or an employee that otherwise is no longer considered a bargaining unit employee.
  2. "I have an employee that I need to report as an Associate. What do I do?”
    If you have a Contribution Agreement for Associate Employees on file and the employee is a member of the union, contact the Western States Regional Council of Carpenters (203-385-1457) to determine the employee's status as an associate or collectively bargained employee. If you do not have a Contribution Agreement on file, click here for requirements and forms. Northwest Carpenters Trusts cannot accept contributions on the employee's behalf until an agreement has been signed and approved by the Administrator.
  3. "I have an Associate Employee who worked for another contractor during the month. Do I still have to report the full 160 hours?”
    No. Northwest Carpenters Trusts will accept contributions for the difference in hours reported, up to 160 hours. For example, if the other employer remitted 110 hours in contributions, 50 hours would be required from you to maintain compliance with your Associate Agreement.
  4. "I’m thinking of setting up my own business. Can I report benefits on myself?”
    Yes, provided you have Compliance Agreement on file with Western States Regional Council of Carpenters and an Associate Agreement with Northwest Carpenters Trusts. Among other requirements, your company must be incorporated or set up as a Limited Liability Company so that your company is treated as a corporation by the IRS. See Reporting Hours for more information.
  5. "Does a Project Agreement meet the requirements for an Associate Agreement?”
    No. An employer must be signatory to a full-compliance Collective Bargaining Agreement or independent Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Regional Council or its local unions that requires contributions to the applicable trust(s).