Payroll Audits

Frequently Asked Questions
Feel free to contact Employer Labor Services if you have a question not listed below or want a more thorough answer. We're here to help.

  1. "Why do I have to give payroll records for all employees, including office staff or owners?"
    While the payroll auditor does not have any interest in non-collectively bargained employees, they are required to determine that unreported individuals are properly excluded.
  2. "I received notice that the trust office is requesting an audit of our payroll records. Why?"
    Northwest Carpenters Trusts is obligated to ensure that the contributions paid into the trust funds are being reported in accordance with applicable provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. To that end, the Board of Trustees established a random audit program that requires a payroll examination every three to five years. Again, this is to verify the accuracy of benefits remitted.
  3. "I received the results of an audit from the independent accounting firm used by the trust office, but I don't agree with the amount billed/credited. What do I need to do to resolve this?"
    Please send or email a written statement to explain the aspects of the audit that are in dispute . Provide any additional documentation not originally submitted to the auditor to support your explanation. These materials should be sent to Employer Labor Services at Northwest Carpenters Trusts. After review by the auditor and/or Board of Trustees, you will be notified whether the audit will be revised.
  4. "I am unable to pay the balance due on the audit at this time. Is it possible to go on a payment plan?"
    Yes. Contact Employer Labor Services to request a payment plan. A trust office representative or contracted collection attorney will review your audit and follow up with possible payment options.