Northwest Carpenters Health and Security Plan
Dependent Termination of Eligibility
Employee Loses Coverage
Your dependents are no longer covered by this plan if you (the participant) no longer satisfy the eligibility requirements of the plan or as described below.
Legal Separation or Dissolution of Marriage or Domestic Partnership
Eligibility for your former or legally separated spouse or domestic partner and stepchildren ends on the last day of the month in which the legal separation or dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership becomes final. You must notify the plan immediately in the event of legal separation or dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership. You must provide any and all documentation requested by the plan to confirm legal separation or dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership.
Your former or legally separated spouse and stepchildren may elect to continue coverage under COBRA Coverage.
Children Over Age 26
Most dependent children lose eligibility at the end of the month in which they attain age 26. No documentation is required when a dependent child loses eligibility because he or she attained age 26. Legally placed children lose eligibility before age 26 if they marry or fail to meet the residency and support requirements described under Eligible Dependents. A child also loses eligibility at the end of the month in which parental rights are legally terminated.
Your dependent children may elect to continue coverage under COBRA Coverage.
Death of a Dependent
You should notify Carpenters Trusts if a spouse or a dependent child dies. Carpenters Trusts will provide you with the information necessary to submit a life insurance claim (please see Life Insurance Benefits).
Death of a Participant
If you die, someone in your family should notify Carpenters Trusts. Your surviving dependents are covered under this plan until your dollar bank eligibility is exhausted if they continue to meet the eligibility requirements of this plan. When your dollar bank eligibility is exhausted, COBRA Coverage may be available to your dependents. In certain circumstances, your dependents may qualify for Retiree Coverage. When Carpenters Trusts is notified of your death, your life insurance beneficiary will receive the information necessary to submit a life insurance claim (please see Life Insurance Benefits). A surviving spouse who remains enrolled under this plan must also complete a Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation – Surviving Dependent form naming a new life insurance beneficiary.
Spouse or Adult Dependent Opt-Out
Your spouse and your adult dependent children (age 18 or older) may elect to opt-out of plan coverage by submitting a signed written request to the plan. The opt-out will be effective for all claims incurred after the end of the month in which the opt-out notice is received by Carpenters Trusts. The opt-out will apply to all coverage, including medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and life insurance.
An opt-out of plan coverage is not a COBRA qualifying event and a spouse or dependent child who opts out will not be eligible for COBRA Continuation Coverage. Additionally, a spouse or dependent child who has opted out of coverage and is not enrolled in the plan at the time of a COBRA qualifying event will not be eligible to re-enroll or to elect COBRA Continuation Coverage.
A spouse or dependent child who opts out of coverage may enroll again, provided you satisfy the eligibility requirements for coverage during the month for which re-enrollment is sought. The re-enrollment will be effective the first day of the month following the month in which the enrollment request is received by Carpenters Trusts.
You may not unilaterally elect to remove your spouse or an adult dependent child without the spouse or adult dependent child’s written consent. A minor dependent child (under age 18) cannot opt-out of plan coverage and cannot be removed from the plan by you or your spouse.
Last Updated: 04/25/2023