Northwest Carpenters Health and Security Plan
Hospital Services and Supplies
90% Network and 80% Non-Network
Inpatient Hospital
Benefits are provided for the following services and supplies:
- A semiprivate room and hospital services and supplies to treat an illness or injury.
- Intensive and coronary care units.
- Operating rooms and equipment.
- Nursing services (other than the services of a private-duty nurse or attendant).
- Diagnostic or therapeutic items or services that are ordinarily furnished by the hospital for the care and treatment of the patient.
- Anesthesia including administration and materials.
- Drugs, biologicals, supplies, appliances, and equipment for use in the hospital that are ordinarily furnished by the hospital for the care and treatment of the patient.
Benefits are not provided for:
- A bed or room set aside for a patient while the patient is in a special care unit.
- Fees for a hospital, ambulatory surgical center or other surgical facility for surgical services commonly and primarily performed in a clinic or physician’s office.
Outpatient Hospital
Benefits are provided for:
- Services and supplies otherwise provided on an inpatient hospital basis.
- Facility fees for outpatient surgery, a same-day surgical center or an ambulatory surgical center.
- Treatment including x-ray, radium therapy and other radioactive substances, chemotherapy, and laboratory and diagnostic radiology and imaging.
- Care in a hospital emergency room. There is a $50 copayment for each visit to the emergency room. The $50 copayment is waived if the patient is admitted as an inpatient directly following treatment in the emergency room.
Last Updated: 04/25/2023